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Field of Screams

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  (3 reviews)
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Ages 13+
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Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses, Haunted Hay Rides, Zombie Hunts & Shootouts, Haunted Trails
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Outdoor Event(s), Indoor Event(s), Touching Not Allowed, Free Parking
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The Field of Screams offers four terrifying attractions!

Haunted Trail:The Haunted Trail is 55 stations of Campground fears that wind you through the haunted forest of Field of Screams Maryland!! These stations take the haunted trail experience to the next level with haunted houses dotting the trail with their terrifying looks, sounds, animation and props. This trail is themed as a Camp Fear where a group of 20 year old campers once laughed, played and brutally died. Come visit the newest attraction at the Field of Screams Maryland and good luck surviving it!!

Trail of Terror:
A 30 min terrifying walk through a haunted forest best known for its 13 small haunted houses scattered throughout the darkest and scariest woods you have ever entered. The woods are covered with horrific sites, zombies and haunted houses all laying in wait for you to arrive.

Slaughter Factory:
Loud, crashing, rusty gears use to grind and rip the flesh off the bone of animals being slaughtered. Buzz saws pierce the air, as the overwhelming purr of heavy machinery vibrated the very ground you walked on in this sick and twisted factory. Years ago it was a booming business until madness, greed and power infected the owner. It started with a small accident...an employee slipped and severed a finger that ended up being ground up with the day’s beef product. Instead of shutting down, cleaning and recalling, the money hungry owner shipped out the meat not wanting to waste precious time or profits. And if he would have stopped there, he might have gotten away with it. But it got worse, way worse. Before long, he started slipping further into his derranged darkness realizing he could do just about anything in his factory. Shards of bone, hair and even teeth were found riddled throughout the ground meats.

The owner had gone completely insane, fueled by the thrill of the slaughter. Nothing could quench his thirst for human blood, spilled across the cold, stained, concrete walls and floors. The authorities were contacted but it was too late. Almost all of his staff was slaughtered like livestock one fateful night and displayed like sides of beef hanging on rusty meat hooks stabbed through wrists and ankles. The authorities called in a SWAT team to capture the maniac but even they couldn't stomach the horrors that were within. The putrid stench of rotting human flesh filled the air. The maze of hanging corpses made navigating the facility almost impossible and the team soon pulled out and sealed the factory. Locals claim to hear a saw running late at night and see a flickering light coming from one of the windows. Is it possible the owner is still around after 30 years living off the corpses of his employees? Find out for yourself as you journey through this stomach churning, and sickening, factory of terror!

Hades' Hayride:
A haunted hayride like few have every experienced!!! The cornfield of this old farm is haunted by several of the evil clans that were conjured up by the Lusions and who rule parts of Scream City. There is a rumor that something so frightening that few can even look at it escaped the underworld and dwells within in the corn.
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Field of Screams

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  • Email Verified Ranked #1 In The Country by USA Today for a reason!!!

    This was the best haunt i have been to in years and is definitely one of the best in the country. The setting is large with a huge mulch compound with 30 bonfires with nice wood benches to hang about on. The haunted house is as good as you can find anywhere and the trail and actors are incredible - the actors make it!! My favorite was the clown areas and dark maze which freaked me out. Food was good and lines were a bit long but not a big deal. Had a BBQ sandwich and fries and someone in my group got a pizza that they made to order and a funnel cake. Highly recommend and worth the money.

    Scare Factor:
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    Haunt Value:
    Posted September 2024

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  • Carnie Barkers from hell

    The absolute best part of the haunted attraction was the Carney barkers. Billy Bigelow and lonely Louie, the two funniest and most lethal clowns you’ll ever meet. They made fun of my girlfriend and called her my sister. I literally died laughing and we have come back each year just to see them.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Length of Event: > 1 hour
    Time Visited: After 9PM
    Would Recommend: Yes
    Suitable For Kids: Yes
    Posted May 2024

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  • Awesome activity!

    Great scary activities! Make a whole night of it! Bring your s'mores ingredients!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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